Useful Information


Georgia’s currency is the Lari
Abbreviation: GEL
Exchange rates for foreign currencies, valid on 28 December 2018:
€1 = GEL 3,06


The metro in Tbilisi is affordable and easy to use. You can buy a metro card for GEL 2 and then add credit to it. Metro rides are 0.5 GEL regardless of distance – you only need to check in, not out. When you no longer need your metro card, you can return it to the ticket counter, where they will reimburse you the GEL 2.

Buses, Trolleys and Trams

Buses and marshrutky are the cheapest way to get around the city. (A marshrutka is a form of public transport similar to a share taxi.) A short distance marshrutka ride will usually cost you between 0.5 GEL to 1.5 GEL per person. You can buy a ticket in advance, or you can pay the driver when you board.


Taxis are a popular method of transportation in Tbilisi. You can book a taxi online or hail one from the street. When hailing a taxi, be sure you negotiate the price before departing.
To book online and for more information, visit Taxi Maxim or Taxify.

Useful Telephone Numbers

Georgia uses the universal European emergency number 112 for Police/Fire/Ambulance.


ATM machines are available throughout Tbilisi. Try to stick to ATMs of either large foreign institutions or major Georgian banks, such as Bank of Georgia, VTB Bank, TBC Bank, Liberty Bank.


220V 50 Hz — round two-pin plugs, Type C and Type F.

Time zone

In June, Tbilisi operates on UTC+4.


In June, the average temperature is around 23 degrees Celsius.